April 13, 2012

A Simpler Road: Homemade Greek-style Yogurt

Well my bloggy friends, homemade food experiment #2 was, I have to say, a success as well!!!

I love yogurt.  It's a staple in my diet.  Especially Greek-style yogurt.  If you're not familiar with Greek-style yogurt (how can you not be, it's all the rage nowadays! =P ), it's much thicker and denser than regular yogurt, with a slightly tangier, drier taste.  It also has almost double the protein of regular yogurt, and packs a big nutritional punch.  What I don't like is the price.  It runs on average $1.00 per 6 oz container here where I live.  Considering I shop bi-weekly, and I eat at least one container of yogurt a day, that's an extra $14.00 on my grocery bill that could be avoided by making homemade yogurt.  

My best friend has been making homemade yogurt for a long time.  Seriously, she's like Martha on crack.  She is a homemade/handmade/frugal/grow and can your own domestic goddess.  Seriously.  Word to my girl.  LOL  The content of this recipe is largely in part from information I gleaned from her while knitting on Wednesday night.  You know, credit where credit is due and all.  =)

When you break it down to its most basic ingredients, delicious homemade yogurt is one of the simplest things to make (aside, perhaps, from my other recent culinary delight, homemade Apple Pie applesauce!).  And, since simplifying is an ongoing theme here at The Road, it works out perfectly!  There are a ton of homemade yogurt recipes out there, if you G.oo.gl.e it, you'll have more recipes and variations on homemade yogurt than you can shake a stick at! 

Here's basically all you need:

~Live active yogurt cultures (obtained from a few tablespoons of plain storebought yogurt.  You need this to "grow" or culture your new yogurt.  It MUST say "live/active cultures" or it will not work!).
~A large saucepan/pot (if using stovetop method) or microwave safe casserole dish (if microwaving, which is what I did).

That's it.  Really.

Let's get started!  

I first gathered all my ingredients together.  (Duh.  How silly to point that out, huh?)    

Finally I have a use for my 2.5 qt casserole dish other than roasting chicken!  And how bout that snazzy new kitchen thermometer?  You'll definitely want one of those when making yogurt.

I then poured the milk into the casserole dish.  (You can use however much milk you desire.  More milk = more yogurt).  I used about half of my half-gallon since it was my first attempt...I didn't want to throw away an entire half gallon of milk if it didn't work!

I then heated the milk to approximately 185° F.  (I've read anywhere from 180° to 190° is optimal).  This step sterilizes the milk, and gives the yogurt cultures and good bacteria a nice environment to grow in.  Since I was using the microwave, it took approximately 15 minutes (in 3 minute increments, stirring to avoid hot spots and testing temperature) to reach 185° (our microwave cooks really hot really fast).  

Remove (carefully!) heated milk and allow to cool to approximately 110°F.  (See why I said you'll want a thermometer?).  You can simply set it on the counter and allow it to cool on its own, or place it in the sink with a inch or two of cold water.  I chose the "quick cool" method of the sink and cold water.

*Be careful not to cool the milk too much!  It only needs to cool to approximately 110° F.  If it gets much cooler, the bacteria and live cultures won't have a good environment to "be fruitful and multiply"!

Once your milk has cooled, it's time to "pitch" your yogurt starter.  All this means is add approximately 2 TBSP of your starter yogurt (either storebought plain yogurt or some reserved from your last batch of homemade) to the heated milk mixture.  

I scooped a small amount of the heated milk into a Pyrex measuring cup and added my starter yogurt to that to thin it out a little and make it easier to distribute through the heated milk.  I poured this back into the casserole dish and used a whisk to blend it all together.  

Now comes the most important part.  Keeping the culturing yogurt warm long enough to "set up".  There are a multitude of ways to do this.  Set your oven on the lowest setting for a while, then turn it off and place your incubating yogurt in the warm oven (with the oven light on to keep a little heat going).  You can fill your sink with HOT water and using a rack of some sort place the yogurt over the water and cover with a towel to hold in the heat.  You can pour your milk/starter mixture into your crockpot that has been preheated and then unplugged (wrap entire crock pot with a blanket or clean bath towel to hold in the heat).  Or you can do what I did and use a heating pad.  I turned my heating pad on the lowest setting, placed a thick potholder on top of that, then two kitchen towels, and finally placed my casserole dish of culturing yogurt on top of that and covered it with a towel.  No matter what method you use, the point of this step is to keep the yogurt warmed to approximately 100-110° F in order for the live active yogurt cultures and good bacteria to do their work and ferment or "set" your yogurt.  This also requires patience...something which I usually run a little short of, however I was so excited about the possibility of yogurt-making success that I was the Patience Poster Child.  Ok, well, maybe not.  I might have peeked a few times to make sure things were working as they should.  =)  

It will take several hours for yogurt to set up properly.  Mine took about 7 hours to get to typical storebought yogurt consistency.  If you prefer this, congratulations!  You have just made yogurt!!!  Transfer to whatever containers you will be using for storage, refrigerate and enjoy your new delicacy!  It's wonderful with fresh fruit, drizzled with honey, a dollop of preserves or topped with granola.  However, as I stated earlier, I really prefer Greek-style yogurt, so I went a few steps further with mine.  If you want Greek-style yogurt, you will also need a strainer/colander, cheesecloth (I actually used an old but clean pillowcase since I didn't have cheesecloth on hand), and a bowl for the strainer to sit on.  Place the strainer on the bowl (it should sit ON it, not IN it...you'll see why).  Line the strainer/colander with the cloth and scoop the set-up yogurt into it.  Toss the whole kit and kaboodle into the fridge and let it sit for several hours.  *Leave it alone.  Don't stir it, don't jiggle it, don't dance around your kitchen with it.  Trust me, the latter is hard to avoid.  It's so exciting to make homemade REAL food, how can you NOT want to crank up the Electric Slide and get your groove on with your curds and whey?  Or is that just me?  Well then...

After several hours (I left mine for about 5 more hours), take the strainer contraption, bowl and all, out of the fridge.  You will see a yellowish tinted liquid sloshing around in the bowl.  It's icky, but fine.  That's the whey that has drained out of your yogurt.  That's exactly what we wanted to happen.  Just dump that down the sink, or if you can think of a use for it, more power to you, rock on with your whey-incorporating self!  I dumped mine.  

You see what's left in your pillowcase (er, cheesecloth)?  That beautifully thick and creamy creation?

That's your Greek-style yogurt!!!  

Just how delicious does that look?  I used roughly 1 TBSP of strawberry preserves on the bottom of a 4 oz plastic food storage container, added my yogurt, and topped it off with a dollop of the same preserves.  The one in the front is topped with honey.  

I started with about 32 oz of 1% milk, and after all was said and done, it yielded approximately 12-16 oz of Greek-style yogurt.  Had I not gone the extra steps to Greek-style, it obviously would have made more.  

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I made my first batch of homemade, all natural, delicious Greek-style yogurt!  

I'd love to hear from you if you decide to try your hand at yogurt-making.  If you've been making yogurt for years and have any suggestions for different recipes, add-ins, time saving or storage techniques, feel free to chime in too!  

I'm loving this new-found passion of mine!

A Simpler Road: "Apple Pie" Applesauce

This is the first of what I hope will be a series of new posts titled "A Simpler Road".  Like many people, I'm feeling quite a push (pull? nudge? something.) to simplify our lives.  Our living space, our budget, our food, everything.  Which, if you follow me on Pinterest, you will have noticed I've been pinning a lot of organizational ideas and real food recipes lately.
Today's post is about food.  Real food.  Easy food.  Homemade applesauce to be exact.  I had a few extra apples in the fridge that were just a little past good eating stage, but not at all shriveled or bad by any means.  I decided this was the day I was going to try my hand at homemade applesauce.  I remember when I was little, going to my Grandma and Grandpa's house to pick apples from Grandpa's apple tree.  After we harvested all we could carry, the "womenfolk" would retire to the kitchen to sort, clean, peel, chop, boil, puree and can apples.  All kinds of apples.  Apple slices, applesauce, apple butter, apple pie filling...you name it, it was made right there in Granny's kitchen.  Ah, the smells, sights and sounds of that day...and the many days that followed...they are so vivid in my mind.  I thought I would share with you the recipe I ended up using...well, actually creating, for my first batch of homemade applesauce.  =)

Tonight I grabbed my apples, knives and spaghetti pot and got to work.  As you can see, we enjoy a variety of apples here at The Road.  Hubby likes the Golden Delicious, while I prefer Fuji, Honeycrisp, and Empire apples.  I started with six apples.  Two Golden Delicious, two Honeycrisp, and two Empire.

I cut, cored, and chopped them into approximate 1" cubes.  (As you can see, I left the skins on.  A lot of the recipes I read said that would be fine, that they would come right off and it wouldn't matter.  Next time I will be peeling the apples before I chop them...more on that later!).  I like a sweeter applesauce, and I love cinnamon, so I grabbed a few spices from the cabinet and sprinkled away.  I used a generous amount of cinnamon, a few sprinkles of nutmeg, and a few sprinkles of ground cloves.  The finished product, little did I know at this point, would turn out to taste like a homebaked apple pie!  

You need to add some liquid to your apples to get them cooking.  The average amount from what I read is between 1/2 to 1 cup of liquid.  Some use water, some use apple cider.  I had some orange-pineapple-apple juice in the fridge, so I used 1/2 cup of that diluted with 1/2 cup water.  Simply pour the liquid over your apples, cover your pot, and bring to a boil.  After the liquid comes to a boil, reduce the heat to a simmer and cook until the apples begin to break apart on their own.  This step took approximately 30 minutes for my batch.  (As you can see, if you leave the skins on your apples, they will "slough" off on their own.  You can take the time to fish them out with kitchen tongs, tweezers, your fingers...whatever works for you.  Of course, as I mentioned earlier, next time I will peel my apples first.  It got real old real fast picking out all those skins!).   

While my apples were cooking, I washed and dried the jars I was going to use for the applesauce.  You will notice that some of them are not regular "canning jars".  I am not going to be storing this batch long, since it was a trial batch and it didn't make a large amount, it will get eaten before it goes bad.  If you will be canning your applesauce to store for a longer period of time, prepare your jars and lids as you usually would when you put up food.

 When your apples are done, you can either use a potato masher for chunky applesauce or a food mill to create a less chunky applesauce.  I just so happened to remember I had this antique food mill in the hall closet and it worked amazingly well to process my applesauce tonight!

Doesn't that look delicious?  You wouldn't believe how good it smelled...and tasted!!!  As you can see, this food mill produced a smoother sauce, more like store-bought applesauce.  

After a few test tastes, I poured my newly made applesauce into my prepared jars.  (Again, if you are canning a large amount to store for a longer period of time, continue from here as you normally would, using a commercial canner or water bath to seal your jars.  I simply put mine in the fridge since this made such a small batch).

And, here you go:  

Homemade Apple Pie Applesauce

This was so very easy to make, literally 2 ingredients (plus spices).  No added sugar, no preservatives, no colorings, nothing.  Just apples.  And it tastes (especially hot off the stove) just like homemade apple pie.  Just like Grandma used to bake.  

Stay tuned for my next installment of A Simpler Road: Homemade Yogurt!  (it's currently incubating as I type this!)


April 6, 2012

What might have been...

I never knew what it was like to wake up and remember 'this is the day that my child would have been born'.

I never knew what it was like to try to explain to people who have never experienced this particular grief just how profound this pain...this emptiness...this carved out hole in your heart really is.  Just how incredibly heavy the emptiness can be.

I never knew what it felt like to mark an unfulfilled due date.

Until now.

March 30 started out as a normal day...until IT started creeping up on me.  The feeling that something just wasn't right.  A feeling that something was very wrong.  And then the emotions started flying.  Up, down, every which way from sideways.  I was bawling one minute and incredibly angry the next.  I prayed.  I tried to calm myself down.  And then I realized...

This was the approximate date that I would have been due with the second baby we lost.  (The first one would have been due around mid-September).  The baby that resulted from the last "real" cycle we were TTC.  The baby that I lost without even really knowing I was pregnant.  The baby that sometime around March 30, 2012 would have been four years old.

In an alternate universe I'm planning and hosting a 4th birthday party for my child.  I'm baking a cake, lovingly decorating it, putting the final touches on the homemade "Happy Birthday" banner.

In an alternate universe, I'm singing "Happy Birthday" to my child.  I'm holding her in my lap before she blows out her candles, as she squinches her eyes shut and wishes with all her might for that new dolly that unbeknownst to her is on the table next to her, hidden beneath tissue paper in a bright pink gift bag.

In an alternate universe, I'm smoothing the hair back from her sleep heavy eyes, lying next to her telling her the story again of how very much she was wanted and loved from the minute she was conceived and how very happy we are to be her parents.

In an alternate universe, I'm holding my baby in my arms.

In this one...she's only in my heart.