November 11, 2010

In Honor and Memory of Those Who Serve

I would like to take this time to humbly thank every Veteran, and all military service personnel for their service, commitment and sacrifice for our freedom and protection. My prayers are with all currently serving military personnel, their families, and especially the families whose soldiers have given the ultimate sacrifice...their lives.

Today I honor my ancestors who fought in the Civil War and WWI, both of my grandfathers who served in WWII, numerous great-uncles who also served in WWII and The Korean War, my uncles who fought in Vietnam and were subjected to harassment and shame upon return home by an ungrateful public, my hometown neighbors and classmates who served in Desert Storm and The Gulf War, and my cousin who served in Operation Enduring Freedom - KIA Ghanzi, Afghanistan, August 2009.

Today I pray for our soldiers, at home and abroad.

Today I thank them, humbly, for fighting for our freedom and our protection.

May God's presence be with each and every one of them as they fulfill their ascribed duty.
Today I pray for those soldiers who have returned home who are fighting their own personal wars of injuries, PTSD, marital stress, financial difficulties and readjustment to life as a civilian.

Today I pray that each and every soldier deployed will return home safely to their families and that we may experience peace.

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